Couples Massage

Couples massage is a popular service at the spa where two people are massaged in same or separate rooms. The couple can be a husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend, same-sex partners, moms, and daughters, or best friends. It is sometimes also called a duo massage or duet massage.

The Benefits of Couples Massage

Couples massage is a good choice when couples wish to share everything with each other, even their massage. You don’t have to be young and newly in love – all couples simply enjoy the togetherness of the experience.

Couples Massage

Another type of couples massage is simply getting the same treatment at the same time in a room that has two tables. This is a great way to introduce a partner who has never received a massage before in a way that makes them feel more comfortable the first time.

Even if you’re not intimate partners, just traveling with someone you don’t get to see often enough — a sister, mom or best friend (although this usually applies to the ladies) — a massage together in the same room is just, well, fun. All of these scenarios are fine, really, because you make the rules up. If you want to talk to each other during the massage, you can. If you want to quietly commune, that’s good, too. The therapists will follow your lead.

To Schedule your Massage
Call or Text  (307) 413-1961

Couples Massage Pricing

1 Hour { Out-Call* / Office } $300* / $270
1 1/2 Hours { Out-Call* / Office } $440* / $400

* In-Home Travel Fees  (Per therapist, not per massage)

Town of Jackson an additional fee of $35 applies.                                                                                            Anywhere outside the town of Jackson an additional $55 applies.


Is There Any Downside To Couples Massage?

It could be distracting to be in the same room at the same time with another person during a massage. The potential problems come if you have different expectations and needs during a massage, particularly if one person wants to zone out and the other likes to talk. It helps if you know how much the other person likes to talk during a massage — a lot, a little, or not at all — and whether it’s a good match for you.

If couples massage in the same room may not work for you, then book two simultaneous massages in two rooms – and meet up afterwards.

To Schedule your Massage
Call or Text  (307) 413-1961